HRComputes Receives Certificate of Innovation in Sustainability

The State of New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection awarded HRComputes a Certificate of Innovation in Sustainability for our participation in the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry and our commitment to lead and inspire other New Jersey businesses to adopt sustainability policies and practices.

Collectively, the participants in the NJ Sustainable Business Registry have generated the following environmental and financial savings:

  1. 140,213 gallons of water
  2. 3,925,183 pounds of waste
  3. 10,502 gallons of gasoline
  4. 52,711 total miles
  5. 2,965,472 kilowatt hours
  6. $1,076,457 dollars
  7. 2,138 metric tons of CO2 equivalent ( GHGs)
Small and medium size businesses can have a significant impact. Visit to get started on becoming a NJ Sustainable Business.

Becoming a Sustainable Organization: A Project and Portfolio Management Approach

Kris' book on sustainable strategy is done and in at the publisher. We are expecting a second quarter 2016 book launch!

Sustainable strategy creates financial value while preserving natural and social capital. Increasingly, organizations are adopting sustainability as part of business strategy; but implementing the strategy remains a challenge creating a gap between strategy and impact. Effecting transformational change requires incorporating sustainability into organizational policies, processes, and people. Project management professionals and HR professionals are often overlooked but valuable organizational resources to drive sustainable transformation. The book lays out a framework to improve sustainability integrations. It includes case studies, lessons learned, best practices, and tools and templates to facilitate transforming into a sustainable organization.

We will let you know when the book launch party is being held. We may even be breaking out some special wines from Morris' wine cellar to celebrate!!!!

Speaking at SHRM conference with Personality +!

At last month’s Annual Society for HR Management International Conference, Morris Yankell, Principal, captained the USS HRnterprise into semi-charted territory, where only some men and woman have gone before… cue theme music!

Using the learnings from 35 years of successfully implementing technology and process change projects as well as the teachings of Carl Jung, Meyers/Briggs, John Gray and Men are Mars, Women are from Venus, Personal Intelligence by John Mayer and the Holland Code for making the best career fit for your personality, Morris spoke on the influence of personality on career choice, communication style, ability to change, and conflict and time management.  He presented tools and techniques to harness what we know about traits and types to better manage and communicate.

By looking at the personality traits of those who choose certain professionals, we begin to see patterns of behavior and can learn new ways to be more productive.  Keeping the difference in mind is not intended to be stereotyping but to be aware of and adapt the message and management style as needed.  Many people in HR Talent Acquisition and HR Business partner roles are categorized as Feeling Extraverts.  Meanwhile IT tends to attract Perceiving and Intuitive associates and Finance draws Sensing and Judging staff.  The presentation goes into much more detail on the characteristics of these personality traits.

At this point, Morris led a networking discussion as the audience broke into small groups, introduced themselves based on a short script and took a 4 question personality assessment to get a better understanding of their own personality type and the use of personality survey tools.

The presentation then moved on to the potential preference towards offering solutions over of listening for “Martians” and towards sharing feelings and relationships as important as success for “Venusians”.  Morris then offered suggestions to better engage and cooperate amongst different personality types and “species”.

Some examples of how to communicate better based on these types are:
       Win the support of Feeling types by including those impacted in the decision-making.
       Hold a town hall meeting, so Extraverts can discuss and ask questions.
       Start with the big picture and explain the Why before the How to provide context for Intuitive types.
       Explain the timelines for Judging types, but let Perceiving types know what’s negotiable.
       Provide clear, factual, step-by-step descriptions for Sensing types. Steer clear of vague and theoretical explanations.

Communication and collaboration are more important than ever as we move to multi-generational, multi-country and more diverse projects and work teams.  By better understanding how people are predisposed, how they may perceive reality based on their personal intellectual make up, we can hopefully better work together and achieve success.

The SHRM presentation was well received.  Many in attendance came forward with stories that related to their own perception of these traits as manifest in HR, Finance and IT.  Attendees definitely benefited from the suggestions and tips to improve how they perceive and relate to their co-workers.   

You can benefit as well.  Email to receive the presentation or establish a networking phone call.

HRComputes -Registered Sustainable Business

Kris Kohl ,Principal,  presented at the Creating Sustainable Businesses in NJ meeting at the Department of Environmental Protection Headquarters on March 3, 2015. We were invited to share our experiences as one of the first registered sustainable business on the NJ Sustainability Business Registry. Businesses throughout the state can access the site for resources to promote sustainability planning and practices within their organizations. The registry provides an opportunity for small business owners to differentiate themselves as organizations that promote sustainable practices. Small businesses with less than 500 employees can register their businesses on the site through selecting 5 areas to share their sustainability practices and progress. There is a review process and at least one of the areas must be supported by a metric and financial impact. So far, registered members have realized over $500,000 in savings through adoption of sustainable practices. It is possible to make green while going green. Here is a link to our listing