Digital Transformation

The Latest HR Technology Ideas and Events

Top 10 Ways to Improve HCM Digital Transformations

1.      Develop a digital HCM strategy that support your business strategy. Align the HCM tool requirements with business strategy. Most solutions offer transactional process improvement. Go beyond transaction automation and look for process automation and predictive analytics to drive impact within your organization.
2.      Engage with stakeholders both internal and external. These conversations will reveal both pain points and opportunities. An additional benefit is building a network of organizational influencers.
3.      Do your homework! Take the time to do a needs analysis and understand the relationship between the “ask” and business value creation. Look at requirements for today and tomorrow.
4.      Request a realistic budget. Remember that software is a tool to be used in a transformation project. You will need time, money, and resources for a successful implementation and integration. These costs are often over 50% of the total budget.
5.      Define the scope of the project including phase 1 and phase 2 launch plans. Make sure that your selected vendor offers and supports phase 2 items.
6.      Move beyond the sales hype! Take the time to drill down to core functionality offerings by vendors to ensure the offering support your digital strategy.
7.      Understand what “Yes” means in vendor speak. Is it possible but painful or is it an easy to use component or feature?
8.      Review workflow process and internal policies to understand the impact of software selection on policies, procedures, and training requirements.
9.      Establish metrics to measure success.
10.    Engage a qualified and experienced consultant. The fees you pay will be more than covered by avoiding costly mistakes.

Upcoming Events:

Beacon HCM group and PSPS Human Capital Analytics
Strategic AI and People Management for small and mid-size businesses

The exciting world of AI and People Management comes to small and mid-size business at the Navy Yard!

AI for HR – why, what and how
Hear case studies from small and mid-size companies who are using AI
See real world product examples
Participate with our expert panel to expand your understanding of what is possible today!

Morris will lead this dynamic, joint program between 2 great networking groups at the Penn State Navy Yard location on October 16, 7:30 – 10:30 AM.
Click here to sign up for the October HR Analytics Event!

Plan now to join Kristina as she presents the following webinars in 2020.

 The Role of AI tools in HCM Transformation                   January 16
 Ethical Considerations for AI                                            April 16
 10 Recommendations to Improve AI Tool Selection        June 11

Webinars are free but you must be a premium member to receive PMI credits.
Click here to register.

Recent Success Stories:

At HRComputes we focus on our clients’ digital transformations including solution selection, client-side implementation, process transformation and technology optimization. Here are some examples of recent projects:
Working with a regional not for profit, we used our UltiPro BI knowledge expertise to improve their compliance and reporting functions.

Working with a US subsidiary of a global company, we used our expertise with Ceridian payroll and HCM technology to improve functionality and save time and money.

Working with a global manufacturer, we created an HCM technology current and strategic map providing a tool for process improvement and HCM technology decisions.

Working with a national not for profit, we created and implemented an UltiPro training program supporting the launch process and driving adoption of the new system.

We would love to discuss your organization’s digital transformation needs with you to develop a plan for success!  Call us at (856) 982 7162 or click this email address for more info!  Contact Morris at

Digital Technology Spot Light

UltiPro Perception
For those of you fortunate enough to be able to attend the October PSPS Human Capital Analytics and Beacon Human Capital Management joint meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet Erik Darby, Sr. Director, Sales and Alliances at Ultimate Software. He will be explaining the natural language reading capabilities and the impressive results that this AI tool has delivered.  We really like this employee engagement survey tool as it gives real time, immediate actionable employee data allowing HR and Business leaders to gain insight into strategies for improving employee retention, performance and so much more.  We can help with introductions, business case creation, user adoption and more!

For more details on use cases and current clients visit us at HRComputes